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Window Repair or Replacement: How to Tell Which Is Necessary

Window Repair or Replacement: How to Tell Which Is Necessary

Window Repair or Replacement: How to Tell Which Is Necessary

Have you reached that point as a homeowner when you have to choose between window repair and replacement?  There are some indicators that can help you determine which is more prudent. Most likely, it might not be time for a replacement if you have recently replaced your windows or if they are still functioning properly. In many cases, minor repairs can help you extend the life of your windows.

The following article shall discuss ways to determine if you are in need of window replacement or simply need to replace hardware or make some repairs.

How to Tell if You Need Window Repair or Replacement

Are You Starting to Notice Drafts in Your Home?

If you start to experience cold drafts in your home, it could be time for window replacement in Toronto. However, there are few major air leaks in your windows; you can apply new weatherstripping or caulking.

Have You Noticed an Increase in Your Energy Bills?

Have your monthly energy bills been skyrocketing as of late? If so, it could be time to install new windows. More energy-efficient windows can significantly lower your monthly energy costs and provide superior insulation. Your home will feel comfortable year-round, no matter what the weather is outside.

Do You Have Single Pane Windows?

Single-pane windows might seem like the better choice as they are cheaper than their double or single-pane counterparts. However, double and triple-glazed windows can be filled with inert gases, greatly improving insulation properties. Not only will they keep the cold air at bay, but they will also help prevent condensation or frost from forming on your windows.

Are Your Windows Functioning Properly?

If your windows are starting to stick or you notice the hardware is faulty, you might need to embark on window repair or replacement. Windows that do not function properly are not only contributing to higher energy costs; they are also a security risk. Replacing your windows can improve both your energy efficiency and home security as they are sturdy and durable. Consider window replacement if a simple repair or new part does not remedy the situation.

Do You Wish to Improve the Aesthetic Design of Your Home?

If window repair is not an option, replacement windows can do a lot to improve the look and feel of your home. Shabby or broken windows can detract from the aesthetic appeal of your home. New windows can give your home a much-needed face-lift as well as enhanced features such as decorative glass or stylish window grids for increased curb appeal.

Are You Looking to Sell Your Home in the Near Future?

If you are considering putting your Toronto area home on the market in the impending future, replacing your windows can greatly raise the market value. Interested buyers are more likely to buy a home that does not require home improvements such as window repair or replacement.

Contact Total Home Windows and Doors if you are confused about whether you need window repair or replacement. We can meet with you in the privacy of your home to assess your windows and give you a free quote if replacement is indeed a factor.

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